
An Overview Of Symble

Symble is a word-guessing game running on the idea and theme of Nyt Strands. If you haven't heard of this title, it is one of the amazing puzzle games that has brought more and more people to know and fancy the word games thanks to the wonderful gameplay and exciting challenges.

Both the Wordle game and the Symble game require players to make word guesses until they find the correct hidden word in the game.

However, Wordle provides players with practical and useful hints to get closer to the solution. In contrast, the hints in the Symble game are also a piece of challenge requiring players to utilize their deduction at a higher level than the original version.

How To Play The Symble Game?

With one secret 5-letter English word to be solved, Symble allows players to guess 8 times, 2 more than in the Wordle game, due to the increased difficulty. Therefore, you will find 8 rows in the grid of this variant.

To make your guess, just simply type a 5-letter English word in the grid and press Enter to submit your answer. The game only offers one game daily, so you will need to wait until the next day for a new game.

What Do The Symbols In The Symble Game Mean?

After you submit your guess, some colored symbols will show up on the right of the grid. Notably, these symbols will change every game with different colors and include separate meanings. To catch the ideas and meanings of the symbols, all you need to rely on is your deduction and logical thinking.

The symbols will tell you whether the letters in the position are contained in the secret word or not. If they are included, are they put in the correct order?

Let's take an example with the above image, you can see that in the first and the second lines, the letters "R" is contained in the secret word, but misplaced in the guessed word, so it is equipped with a separate symbol from other letters.

At first, you can't tell what the symbols mean, but gradually, the symbols will imply which letters are not related to the solution word. Commonly, the unrelated letters will be more than the correct ones, so the symbols representing them will appear more than other symbols do.

Similarly, in the third, sixth, and seventh lines, the letters "D," "R," and "N" are included in the solution word and placed correctly in the guessed words, so they will have different symbols from others.

Other games

there are many other games developed under NYT Strands, let's try them out